“Every child is a different kind of flower. And all together make this world a beautiful garden”; – Of course, when a creation of God fell into the earth, it has all the means of the Almighty and he grows up in the eternal world of beauty with his tiny tender feet. A child is a blossoming flower and is the first love of their parents. He parts in framing the family, society and the world. His smiles, eyes, cheeks, pamper and lullaby cries; – all makes happiness to the world. Above all, it is quoted that a ‘Child is the Father of the Nation’.
But in this hasty world of human beings – Are our children safe? Have they been protected or safeguarded so far? The International organizations and child welfare boards are keen on child protection; however, it is the duty and responsibility of the law makers in each country to play their own part in providing child safety.
A connotation necessitates at this point of time in the United Arab Emirates which results in the legislation – Federal Law No 3 named ‘The Child Rights Law’ which is renamed after Wadeema Law following a three days’ debate in the Federal National Council on 15th June 2016 under the direction of Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs, who is also chairman of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department. Basically, the legislation born when Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai asks the Ministry of Social Affairs to compose a child protection legislation following the murder of an Eight-year-old Wadeema by her father and girlfriend. The cabinet gave approval in 2012 and finally the Federal National Council approved it in 2016.
The legislation ensures children’s rights – to security, to freedom from inhuman, cruel or degrading treatment and to special protection during childhood. It also ensures their rights – to life, to a name, to express views, to health care, to education and to protection from economic and sexual exploitation. It envisages their social, cultural and economic rights.
The enacted child protection law provides child safety in every manner. The 12 paged document reflects the sincerity of the child wrapped with an iron hand. The law clinch on the safety dispensed through parents, teachers and medical practitioners whoever passes through the lives of the child.
The law binds over both nationals and expatriates from birth till they attain puberty. It abolishes child labour and bans tobacco sale to children. The parents, teachers and medical practitioners shall also be held liable for any abuse or failure in reporting abuses. The punishment extends from fine to imprisonment.
By this enactment, it certifies a kind of justice to Obaida, the Eight-year-old boy who was brutally killed in Sharjah, recently. It enhances the country’s vision to human rights, especially to children who are the promised future of the nation. In a nutshell, the latest Child Rights Law can be lighted as a Golden Feather in the crown of UAE legislations. Let the future be enshrined with the nurtured buds of kids…….!!!
Written By:
Adv. Kanmani Karanchery