Legal Issues in UAE? All you need is a Good Lawyer
UAE is known for its stringent laws and its enforcement. Often expats and tourist struggle to understand them. That is the main reason most times they fall on to the wrong side of the law. Sometimes because of ignorance or they get duped. No one can claim ignorance as a shield from the law. However, getting involved in a legal case in the UAE is not the end of the world. Judiciary system in the UAE is designed to help people not to trouble them.
UAE law is the amalgamation of best of the law practices around the worlds. The UAE’s judicial system is based on the British Law, Civil Law system, Islamic Law, French, Roman, and Egyptian Laws. The crime rate in the UAE is much lower than in many first world countries, which is mainly because of no tolerance policy towards crime and effective enforcement of the law. Because of this, the UAE law might appear draconian, but it is not.
There are plenty of reasons that one could attract legal complications in the UAE. Though most may not be something severe yet just the thought of it gives jitters to people. However, for minor crimes, usually, the accused is not arrested at once. It is only major crimes like rape, murder, human trafficking, qualifies for arrest. Moreover, one can always apply for bail. The procedure for bail becomes quite easy when you have an experienced lawyer by your side.
Bail is a temporary release while the investigation still goes on. The accused is required to provide assurance. However, there is no clear definition of assurance. Mostly the bail fee is decided by the court, and the passport of the suspect or a close friend is kept as bail.
Most dreaded fear expats have is about getting involved in a cheque bounce case. Very few are aware that not all cheque bounce cases are considered as major crimes. The cheque value below AED 200,000 is considered as simple offense, and one can avoid arrest by paying a fine of AED 5,000 – AED 10,000 as decided by the Public Prosecution.
One of the best ways to avoid any legal trouble is to hire a good lawyer. A lawyer can not only help you in times of lawful arrest but also help you and your business stay away from legal troubles.